Friday, March 27, 2009

I received some Omish Friendship Bread and have been so exited to make it. It is sooo good, but I am not a very good baker, but thought I could do this. I love to cook hate to bake! These pictures tell the story. All the doors and windows are open to let all the smoke out and Kennedy did not want to breath the bad air. I hate to give up so I will try 1 more time and hopefully get it!


snakeriverwalton said...

don't give up. Amish friendship bread is weird anyway. go back to sugar cookies!

Nicole said...

oh how funny! I am glad you got pictures can't wait to see the pages on this. lol Your kitchen looks gorgeous!!

Amanda and Kalon Downing said...

I beg to differ, you are an excellent baker, everyone has told me. Kennedy is so cute, look how cute her skirt is. That is what happens to me on a daily basis, I either burn something or it flops and it doesn't matter if its dinner or desert. I hate cleaning the oven after its been baked on too. At least you can laugh at it. Is Kennedy breathing Oxygen??

Andrea said...

What a Hoot!!

Crystalyn said...

That is hilarious!

Leslie Garbanati said...

Should it scare me that you have a gas mask in your house?? Too funny. It looks like something that wouldhappen to me.

Janet said...

This is the funniest thing ever! I love the gas mask!
You know, Amish friendship bread is really good, but it grows and you have to take care of it everyday, then find a new home for it's kids. It's like having smelly puppy that you have to burp a lot.

Tracy Cornia said...

That is so funny Maydi!!! I made brownies the other day and did the same thing. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one. Your cookies were wonderful, so I know that you are a good baker.

Jodi said...

That is hilarious and definetly something that would happen at my house! It makes me laugh - keep up the funny stories they always make my day!

Anelisa said...

Hahaha I wondered what all that smoke coming out of your house was from neighbor. Seriously, though I gave up on that Amish friendship bread. I couldn't ever get it to come out right. I know you can bake I remember when you were in YW with us and baked wonderful things.