Sunday, October 11, 2009

Kennedy took cupcakes to school for a treat and we had a birthday party at Grandma's. We decided to face plant her in the cake instead of eating it. It was such a fun day. Kate is in Boston playing and Matt was watching the U game downstairs and couldn't be bothered for pictures. We missed you Kate! It seems to strange to me that 7 years have already passed. We lived in Phoenix when Kennedy was born, it was such a scary and exiting time. We almost lost her, so glad she is healthy. I love being a Mom!


Janet said...

Seven! How the heck did that happen?!
I hope Kennedy had a very happy birthday. It looks like you all had a great time. Love the cake!

carol said...

Oh my heck! Faceplanting the cake? Hilarious!!!!!She is so dang cute, Maydi.

Leslie Garbanati said...

I remember shortly after she was born making a late night trip to Randolph to meet her. Can it really be seven years? You are a great mom, Maydi, and Kennedy is an angel. You are indeed lucky to have her. I miss you sooooooooo much! I almost cried when my mom said she saw you-it's not fair. Love ya tons!

The Douglas's said...

imagine that, matt watching a U game. Ha ha. Cute cake :) can't believe how old she is. She is growing up so fast

Ronda said...

What a fun cake!!! And happy late birthday Kennedy! Hey Maydi!! You did so great last night, I can't stop thinking about trying to coupon now! I thought about it all night! :) But where did you say you order your papers through? Thanks!!!

snakeriverwalton said...

Cute cake! you are the woman! Happy B-day Kennedy! Come and stay with us for a night or two!