Thursday, July 24, 2008

Darren and I are helping Phil and Lola take care of the Eastman cemetery...we have a squirrel problem. This is Lola getting ready to take care of the problems! I love this picture with Kennedy and her grandma in deep conversation. We are so blessed to have such an awesome families that we are close to.


carol said...

wow. looks like she means BUSINESS!!! I hope it took care of the problem.

Leslie Garbanati said...

What a precious Grandma moment! She is getting so big and so beautiful. I bet Grandma Eastman LOVES her!

snakeriverwalton said...

those squirrels better watch out!

Ronda said...

Hey Maydi! I want to come and see you house sometime! I visiting teach your mom and told her that I painted a few of my walls dark brown and she said that you did something like that and they look great! Hope life is going great for ya!