Monday, September 29, 2008


Many people know that Darren's brother Scott has been fighting cancer and kidney failure, I wanted to give an update. I talked to Scott on Saturday and his cancer is at 2 1/2 percent, it was at 98. It is wonderful news, things are looking so good. He still has to have one more stem cell transplant because it is proven that two transplants have the cancer stay in remission longer. Scott talked to a man the other day that has been in remission from this cancer for 21 years. He is also going to try going without dialysis 3 times to see if his kidneys will function. I know he is not out of the woods yet but it looks to me like a miracle. It has been a very tough year for them. Thank you everyone for support and prayers!


carol said...

Thanks for the update. What a turn around! I am thrilled and optimistic for him.

Anelisa said...

This is wonderful news! It just brought tears to my eyes. I still remember the day they told us that Rory was in remission vividly. My prayers will continue to be with Scott and his family.

Crystalyn said...

Oh I am so glad to hear it. I bet they are glad for your help too.